What is the OSOT?

The OSOT (OutStretch Omniversal Tales) is a passion project by ZephyrusYX.

Status of the OSOT

The OutStretch Omniversal Tales series is still in development.
Story installments: 0

Where to Find Installments to the OSOT

Currently, there are no installments to the OutStretch Omniversal Tales series. This site will be kept up-to-date and will display all possible ways to view the installments of the OSOT series once they are created.

All art and characters displayed belong to Zephyrus UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE.

Nothing here yet! Check in later.

All art and characters displayed belong to Zephyrus UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE.

Nothing here yet! Check in later.

All art and characters displayed belong to Zephyrus UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE.